Looking for a job
Applying for a job
Interviewing for a job
Exploring interests and careers
Starting a new job
Talking to managers
Talking to customers
Talking To Coworkers
Free English, work skills, and other courses to help Afghan & Ukrainian refugees get started in the U.S. Provided by the California Department of Social Services, Refugee Program Bureau, and Immigrant Integration - Powered by Cell-Ed
Welcome Start hours are countable for employment activity requirements under CalWORKs, CalFresh E&T, and RCA.
Looking for a job
Applying for a job
Interviewing for a job
Negotiating a job offer
Culture and Diversity
Talking to managers
Talking to customers
Talking to Coworkers
Downloading Apps
Fill out forms
Bank online
Talk to your doctor
Go shopping
Talk to teachers
Support kids with homework
Looking for a job
Applying for a job
Interviewing for a job
Exploring interests and careers
Starting a new job
Talking to managers
Talking to customers
Talking To Coworkers
Downloading Apps
Fill out forms
Bank online
Managing Money
Educational Pathways
Building Future Readers
English for communicating at work
English for job interviews
English for your business
English for creative problem solving
English for understanding cultural diversity
Once you have registered, you will get a coach who speaks your language and will help you.
-Web: Refugee Program Bureau Website link
-Phone: Refugee Program Bureau Phone number main line
-Email: Refugee Program Bureau Email RPB@dss.ca.gov
Need more info or referral services? Call '211'